Miro KOVAC (Croatia)

13 October 2019

This PCNP report was adopted on Sunday 13 October 2019 by the Political Committee at the 65th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in London, United Kingdom.


Miro KOVAC (Croatia), Rapporteur ad interim, analyses Russia’s approach to the Alliance and the implications for NATO member and partner countries. The report identifies key areas where Russia’s actions impact the security of NATO Allies; it suggests that the Kremlin is pursuing a revisionist approach and wants to establish a different international order. The Rapporteur notes that President Vladimir Putin shows no intention of changing and that Russia is likely to continue its confrontational attitude towards the Alliance.

This document suggests that the best response to Russia’s provocative actions for the Alliance is to remain firm and continue strengthening its defence and deterrence capabilities without escalating the already tense relationship. To that end, NATO member states need to maintain their political cohesion in their relationship with Russia and muster the necessary political will to counter Russian aggression when and where necessary. At the same time, the Allies could continue the political dialogue with Russia and evaluate possible avenues to expand and, if possible, deepen this dialogue, concludes the report.


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