Former pilot for a fighter aircraft (1989-2006) and military observer for the United Nations in D.R. Congo (2004-2005), Nicu Fălcoi started his political career in 2016, when he was elected for his first parliamentary mandate as member of the Senate of Romania. Re-elected in 2020 as member of the Chamber of Deputies, he is serving currently his second parliamentary mandate.
In Parliament, Nicu Fălcoi held several positions of responsibility, such as member of the Standing Bureau of the Senate (2018-2019), Chairman of the Committee on Constitutionality (2020), Chairman of the Special Committee for the Oversight of the Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service (2021), and, since December 2021, he is the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for the Revolutionaries of December 1989.
Nicu Fălcoi is member of NATO PA since 2017 and was elected as vice-president of the Assembly in 2022.
This biography is provided by the member. The NATO PA is not liable for its content.