
Political party: Socialist Party
Country: Spain
Chamber: Congress of Deputies
Address: c/o Mme Mercedes Araujo Secrétaire de la Délégation espagnole auprès de l'AP-OTAN Secrétaire générale adjointe pour les Affaires parlementaires Congreso de los Diputados Floridablanca, s/n ES-28071 MADRID
At the Assembly since: 2016
Committee(s) and Sub-Committee(s): GSM,STC,STC/TTS
Official website: Click Here


Computer Technician; since 2016, Rapporteur, Economic, Industry and Competitiveness Committee; Deputy Rapporteur, Defence Committee; Deputy Rapporteur, Relations with the Ombudsman.

This biography is provided by the member. The NATO PA is not liable for its content.

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