Lord JOPLING (United Kingdom)

12 October 2019

This CDS Special report was adopted on Saturday 12 October 2019 by the Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security at the 65th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in London, United Kingdom.


In the past several years, the ability to protect the external borders of Europe has been tested by the extraordinary movement of people fleeing violence and poverty in parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. The security of borders has become a top priority for many Allies, from the United States to Southern and Central Europe.

This Special Report takes stock of existing border management strategies in the Euro Atlantic area and aims to identify areas for greater multilateral cooperation in all three border security domains: land, sea, and airports. The report also analyses how this process of securing external borders has raised questions in terms of human rights and civil liberties. The Rapporteur urges decision-makers to base their decisions to invest in border security on factual information on the real scope of the problem while avoiding the misrepresentation of these challenges for internal political purposes.

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