
Political party: Conservative
Country: United Kingdom
Chamber: House of Lords
Address: c/o Abi Samuels Secretary of the UK Delegation to the NATO PA Overseas Office – Parliamentary Assemblies Section House of Commons GB - LONDON SW1A 0AA
At the Assembly since: 2019
Committee(s) and Sub-Committee(s): DSC,DSC/FC,ESC
Official website: Click Here


Lord Lancaster entered the House of Lords in Sept 2020 having previously served as a Member of Parliament between 2005-2019. He served as a Defence Minister between 2012-2019, latterly as the Minister for the Armed Forces. A qualified Bomb Disposal Officert, he has been on operational service in Kosovo, Bosnia and Afghanistan with NATO. He continues to serve as a Brigadier in the Army Reserve and recently chaired the UK Governments 10 year review of the Reserve. He is Colonel Commandant of the Brigade of Gurkhas and Hon Colonel of The Cayman Islands Regiment. Away from politics he is a Director of Hampshire Cricket club and holds several board level directorships.

This biography is provided by the member. The NATO PA is not liable for its content.