NATO PA President on recent violence in the North of Kosovo

12 December 2022

The President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam (France), issued the following statement on recent violence in the North of Kosovo.  

“I am deeply concerned by the recent developments in the North of Kosovo. The renewed threats and acts of intimidation and violence by armed individuals including this weekend’s attack on a European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX Kosovo) reconnaissance patrol are unacceptable. Those responsible must be held accountable. Barricades and roadblocks erected in the north of Kosovo must be removed immediately.
I encourage all parties to work toward establishing calm and stability, refrain from further violence as well as provocative actions and rhetoric and to take steps to de-escalate the situation.
The path forward must be charted through continued and constructive negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina. All sides must remain committed to the EU-facilitated dialogue.
I welcome the recent decision of the authorities in Kosovo to postpone local elections in the four northern municipalities as a constructive step given the specific current context.
I am grateful for the KFOR and EULEX Kosovo servicewomen and -men for supporting peace and stability. I also express my appreciation to the NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) for its continued efforts to ensure security and freedom of movement and its continued cooperation with EULEX Kosovo and the authorities in Kosovo. I note that NATO has made it clear that KFOR remains extremely vigilant and fully capable of carrying out its United Nations mandate in Kosovo.”

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