CALOVINI Giangiacomo


Political party: Brothers of Italy
Country: Italy
Chamber: Chamber of Deputies
Address: c/o Fabrizia Bientinesi Secretary of the Italian Delegation to the NATO PA Servizio rapporti internazionali Camera dei Deputati Via del Seminario n. 76, Palazzo San Macuto IT-00186 Roma
At the Assembly since: 2023
Committee(s) and Sub-Committee(s): GSM,PC,PC/TR
Official website: Click Here


Giangiacomo Calovini has been a member of the Chamber of Deputies since 2022, representing Brothers of Italy. He is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He has been a member of the Italian Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly since 2023, where he sits on the Political Committee. He is also member of the Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group where he serves as Vice Chairperson. Calovini was born in Brescia on 16 March 1982. He graduated in Political Science from the University of Parma, and obtained a Master's Degree in International Relations from the 'Niccolò Cusano' University.

This biography is provided by the member. The NATO PA is not liable for its content.

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